
Important Information

  • Read the important documents for this study
  • If you are interested, look at the dates that this study is being run (cohort visit planners) and reply to our email to let us know which cohort(s) you are available for
  • We will ring you to check your suitability and provide further information about the study
  • We will make you a screening appointment at NZCR Auckland. You will need to attend at the scheduled time if you wish to take part in the study

Study Information

ARO-MUC5AC is being developed for the treatment of asthma. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by narrowing of the airways, the tubes which carry air into the lungs, causing symptoms of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or cough. Mucus build-up in the airways often contributes to this narrowing. ARO-MUC5AC is being developed to treat patients with asthma by the reducing expression of MUC5AC protein in the lung. Since MUC5AC is an important component of airway mucus, it is possible that ARO-MUC5AC will decrease airway mucus build-up in patients with asthma. Decreased mucus may then result in better airflow, improved symptoms, and fewer disease exacerbations.

While ARO-MUC5AC is intended for use in asthma patients, these patients may have baseline lung problems and sometimes have escalations of their disease when they may become very ill and hence must change their medications to treat their worsening condition. For this reason, this study initially
evaluates each dose level in a healthy volunteer population to generate a baseline understanding of safety in a population with normal functions of their vital organs and who do not take any medications for any lung illnesses.

The research project is being conducted to:
1. Find if the study drug has any side-effects and is it well tolerated when given as a single dose in normal healthy volunteers (NHV)?
2. Find how much of the study drug gets into the blood stream, and how long does the body take to get rid of it?
3. Assess the effects of ARO-MUC5AC on lung function.

This study (2022 FULL 12482) is being funded by Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc. and has been approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee.

Study Candidates

Healthy Males and females

  • Aged 18 – 55 years
  • BMI 18 – 35 kg/m2
  • Non-smokers or Ex-smokers
  • Not taking any restricted medications

What is Involved?

Inpatient stay: 2 nights

Follow up: 5 visits

Reimbursement: $3,500 (less tax)

Important Documents

Important documents to download and read

Pre-screening Form

Personal details

Please provide your name, email and phone number so we can contact you

Medical questions

Have you had any covid symptoms in the last two weeks or been in isolation?
Have you previously participated in a study with NZCR or any other organisation? Give details or leave blank if no
This study requires the use of contraception during the study. If you are in a hetereosexual relationship both partners must agree to use contraception (condoms for males | IUD, birth control or another approved form for females). Are you currently using a form of contraception?
Do you have any history of allergies, asthma, hay fever, food allergies etc that you are aware of?
Do you have any history of medical conditions relating to:
Have you taken any prescription, vitamins, supplements, pharmacy medication or over the counter medications in the last 14 days?
Have you donated blood or plasma in the last few months?
If unsure please note down what vaccines you have had in the last 6 months and when.
Just to inform you, that you come in for screening at risk. There is no payment for the screening visit, and you may not be offered a position on the study if the group fills up, or you may only be offered a position as a back-up. It is not guaranteed that you will get a full position on the study as it depends on your results as well. Are you comfortable with this?