
Important Information

If you are interested in applying for this study, please:
  • read the study description and study information document.
  • review the Visit Planner dates in your location and confirm that you are available for the stated dates.
  • If you have not yet registered with us, click on the ‘Register’ button at the top of this page and answer the questions.
  • If you have already registered with us, answer the pre-screening questions listed below and submit your interest.

We will then contact you to check your suitability.

Study Description

New Zealand Clinical Research is trialling an investigational medication that is being developed for the suppression of recurrent genital herpes in people with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) infection.

HSV-2 infection is spread by sexual contact and can cause painful genital blisters or ulcers (lesions). ABI-5366 is being developed to prevent recurrence of genital herpes due to HSV-2 infection.

HSV-2 affects approximately 15% of New Zealanders and there is currently no cure for the infection. Treatments have been developed to reduce the recurrence and transmission; however, these are only partially effective. ABI-5366 may control HSV-2 by preventing it from reproducing itself (making new copies of the virus) inside the body.

It is an investigational drug because it has not been approved by MedSafe or other drug regulatory authorities.

This study (2024 FULL 19873) is being funded by Assembly Biosciences, Inc. and has been approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee.


Males and Females with HSV-2

  • Have a history with recurrent genital lesions (with 4-9 episodes in the last 12 months) or if currently on suppressive therapy (with 4-9 episodes 12 months prior to suppressive therapy)
  • Aged between 18-60 years
  • BMI (Body Mass Index) between 18 – 32 kg/m2
  • Smokers/Vapers allowed
  • Not currently taking any regular prescription medications or supplements (excludes panadol or topical creams)

What is Involved?

Outpatient visits: 17 clinic visits

Reimbursement: Up to $3,900 (before tax)

Important Documents

Pre-screening Form


Pre screening for Quail

Personal details

Please provide your name, email and phone number so we can contact you

Medical questions

Have you had any covid symptoms in the last two weeks or been in isolation?
This study requires the use of contraception during the study. If you are in a hetereosexual relationship both partners must agree to use contraception (condoms for males | IUD, birth control or another approved form for females). Are you currently using 2 forms of contraception?
Have you previously participated in a study with NZCR or any other organisation? Give details or leave blank if no
Have you donated blood or plasma in the last 60 days? If yes please provide details
Do you have any history of high or low blood pressure? If yes please provide details
Do you have any history of medical conditions relating to:(Required)
If you have none, please select the last option.
If unsure please note down what vaccines you have had in the last month and when.
Do you have any history of allergies, asthma, hay fever, food allergies etc that you are aware of?
Have you taken any prescription, vitamins, supplements, pharmacy medication or over the counter medications in the last 14 days?
Have you looked at the study dates and are okay to come in those days? Indicate which group/s you are available for. Flexibility for other groups increases your chances of getting into the study.
Pre-screening form policy(Required)
I understand that by submitting this form, NZCR will use the information for pre-screening purposes for this study. This information may be recorded on your profile to allow us to improve our process when screening you for a future study. All information provided is confidential. I also understand that by submitting this form, I will be receiving emails, texts or calls about this study. For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy (https://www.nzcr.co.nz/privacy-policy/).